San Juan Equine and Farm Animal Emergency Fund

With a generous grant from the San Juan Island Community Foundation, Island Haven Animal Sanctuary has created the San Juan Equine and Farm Animal Emergency Fund.  We are also accepting designated donations to increase and expand this fund to help more people and animals in need.

Purpose: Provide feed, hay, farrier, veterinary care for equines and farm animals to prevent neglect, abandonment or suffering for animals whose owners are affected by economic troubles from the Covid-19 crisis.

Eligibility: In alignment with Island Haven’s mission, applications will be accepted for equines and farm animals on San Juan Island.  If we receive additional funds and donations, we can expand the fund for equines and farm animals for the rest of San Juan County.  At the moment funds are limited and will be distributed on a distributed on a case-by-case analysis of need for those that meet the following criteria.


1.     Private ownership of animal(s) – no rescues or other organizations.

2.     Owner facing financial difficulties due to layoffs or business shutdowns.

3.     Understanding that this is short term assistance only, apply for one month of assistance or one vet or farrier visit – extensions on case by case basis.

4.     Owner has no history or evidence of abuse or intentional harm to animals.

5.     Application or interview must show the need is current and an emergency.


How to Apply:

1.     Fill out the application below.

2.     Within 24-48 hours you will receive a call from Island Haven to discuss your needs.  If you apply over a weekend, we will be in touch on Monday.

3.     Island Haven will pay for feed, hay, supplements etc. directly and recipient will need to pick it up themselves at a designated location unless hardship to do so is proven.  Equine tack, grooming products and other non-critical products are not included.

4.     Island Haven will pay care providers (farriers, veterinarians) directly based on the agreed upon amount and no payments will be made for prior bills or reimbursements.  Veterinary care covered to include castrations, euthanasia and conditions that will alleviate suffering – other procedures, such as dental work and other products such as de-wormers and skin care may be considered. 

Quality of Assistance: Island Haven will use the funds to provide the greatest amount of good for the most animals, based on community need.  

Agreement: In submitting this application you agree to speak with an Island Haven representative who may determine it necessary to visit your property, or have an animal care professional visit, to assess the needs of the animals there. You understand that you may not sell, give away, or transfer hay, feed or supplements received from Island Haven. If there is anything left over, you will notify an Island Haven representative and return anything as soon as possible. If approved you agree not to add any other animals to the household while receiving feed and/or care from this Emergency Fund.